Ready to Ditch Your Tap Water?
Confused about all this ‘best water’ advice?
Here’s some clarity…
Navigating the ‘Life Post-Tap Water’ Confusion…
Water, the (essential) ‘elixir’ of life, plays a crucial role in maintaining our health and well-being. However, with the current myriad of water options available, the quest for the “best water” can often leave us feeling overwhelmed. The advice available online, especially on social media, can be so contradictory that it’s easy to feel like we’re caught up in an endless cycle of confusion.
The aim of this article is to unravel some of the confusion and shed light on the most popular types of ‘enhanced’ water: ionised water, alkaline water, filtered water, and hydrogen water. By the end, your journey to finding the best water option will hopefully be a little clearer and more hopeful.
Alkaline Water:
Alkaline water is water with a higher pH level than standard tap water. It is produced through various methods, including adding alkaline minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium, or using a water ioniser to raise the pH level. You can also alkalise your water by adding lemons or limes. Alkaline water is usually accessed through alkaline water machines or by purchasing pre-packaged alkaline water. It’s characterised by its elevated pH level, typically ranging from 8 to 10.
Similar to most ionised water, alkaline water has a higher pH level than regular water. Advocates highlight its potential to counteract acidosis, a condition associated with various health issues. While it may offer temporary relief, our bodies have complex regulatory mechanisms that maintain optimal pH levels, making the need for alkaline water very debatable.
Recent research has suggested that, in actuality, the health benefits observed from both ionised and alkaline water are produced due to the higher concentration of molecular hydrogen in these types of water, more than any other constituent.

Ionised Water
Ionised water, also known as ‘electrolysed’ water, is produced through a process called electrolysis. This process involves passing an electric current through water to separate it into alkaline and acidic components. Ionised water is accessed through specialized ionisers that adjust the pH level of the water. It is characterised by its altered pH level and the presence of ions, such as negatively charged hydroxide ions and positively charged hydrogen ions.
Proponents claim that consuming alkaline ionised water can neutralise acidity in the body, restore pH balance, and enhance hydration. However, scientific evidence supporting these claims is very limited.
So what’s the difference between ‘ionised water’ & ‘alkaline water’?
Ionised water and alkaline water are terms often used interchangeably, but they refer to slightly different characteristics of water.
Ionised water typically refers to water that has undergone a process called ionisation, which involves the separation of water molecules into positively and negatively charged ions. This process is typically achieved through electrolysis, where an electrical current is passed through the water to split it into ions. The resulting water may contain a higher concentration of ions such as hydrogen, hydroxide, and minerals like calcium and magnesium.
Alkaline water, on the other hand, refers to water that has a higher pH level than neutral water (pH 7). While ionised water may be alkaline, not all alkaline water is necessarily ionised. Alkaline water can be naturally occurring, sourced from springs with high mineral content, or it can be produced artificially through processes like ionisation or adding alkaline minerals.
Put simply, ionised water specifically refers to water that has been subjected to an ionisation process, while alkaline water refers to water with a higher pH level.
What determines the pH (acidity or alkalinity) of water?
The acidity or alkalinity of water is determined by its pH level, which is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in the water.
Acidity occurs when there is an abundance of hydrogen ions, which lower the pH level of the water. Alkalinity, on the other hand, occurs when there is a higher concentration of hydroxide ions relative to hydrogen ions, resulting in a higher pH level.
Ions are electrically charged particles, which have either lost electrons (making them positively charged ions, such as Hydrogen), or gained electrons (making them negatively charged.
Several factors can influence the pH level of water:
1. Dissolved minerals: Certain minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonate ions, can affect the pH of water. Water with higher concentrations of these minerals tends to be alkaline, while water with fewer minerals may be more acidic.
2. Carbon dioxide: When carbon dioxide dissolves in water, it forms carbonic acid, which can lower the pH of the water, making it more acidic.
3. Organic matter: Decomposing organic matter can release acids into water, contributing to its acidity.
Overall, the balance between acidic and alkaline components in water determines its pH level, which in turn influences its acidity or alkalinity.
Alkaline water is water with a higher pH level than regular tap water. It is produced through various methods, including adding alkaline minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium, or using a water ioniser to raise the pH level. Alkaline water is accessed through alkaline water machines or by purchasing pre-packaged alkaline water. It is characterised by its elevated pH level, typically ranging from 8 to 10.
Similar to most ionised water, alkaline water has a higher pH level than regular water. Advocates highlight its potential to counteract acidosis, a condition associated with various health issues. While it may offer temporary relief, our bodies have complex regulatory mechanisms that maintain optimal pH levels, making the need for alkaline water very debatable.
Recent research has suggested that, in actuality, the health benefits observed from both ionised and alkaline water are produced due to the higher concentration of molecular hydrogen in these types of water, more than any other constituent.

What are ‘Hydrogen ions’?
Hydrogen ions (H+) are single, positively charged Hydrogen atoms, that have lost their electron, found in water. They affect water’s acidity, in that the higher the concentration of Hydrogen ions, the greater the acidity (and lower the pH).
Hydrogen ions are a very different form of Hydrogen from ‘Molecular Hydrogen’. This is a gas made of 2 Hydrogen atoms bonded together. It’s the most abundant molecule in the universe and has unique properties that make it a potent antioxidant and have led to its investigation for various health benefits. It can easily diffuse through cell membranes and neutralise harmful free radicals, helping to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in the body.
In short, hydrogen ions affect water’s acidity, while molecular hydrogen is a gas with health benefits.
Filtered Water
Filtered water refers to water that has undergone filtration to remove impurities, such as chlorine, heavy metals, and contaminants. Filtration methods vary, including activated carbon filters, reverse osmosis, distillation and Ultraviolet purification. Filtered water can be accessed through home filtration systems, filtered water pitchers, or purchasing bottled filtered water.
Filtering your water can improve its taste, odour, and clarity compared to untreated tap water, ensuring a cleaner and safer drinking experience. However, the filtration process may also remove beneficial minerals naturally present in water. It’s therefore recommended to ‘remineralise’ your filtered water, if the filtration process is known to eliminate all minerals (e.g. distillation or reverse osmosis). This is most easily done by adding an appropriate amount of mineral salts (such as Celtic sea salt or formulated mineral solution).
Different filtration devices remove variable levels of contaminants, chemicals and minerals. It’s important to understand the level of filtration that your product provides, as it can vary considerably, and less ‘powerful’ filters will not be ‘cleaning’ your water as fully as you may like.
It’s also important to recognise that filtering your water is simply ‘removing the negatives’, to get to a baseline for good hydration, rather than actually optimising your drinking water for additional health benefits.

Hydrogen Water:
Also called, ‘Hydrogen-Enriched Water’… Hydrogen water stands out as a promising contender in the realm of optimal hydration and wellness. It is enriched with molecular hydrogen (H2), a powerful antioxidant that can neutralise harmful free radicals in the body. Scientific studies suggest that hydrogen water may possess anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and other therapeutic properties (including gut-healing, immune-boosting and gene expression-regulating effects), offering potential benefits for a wide range of health conditions.
It is produced using hydrogen water generators or hydrogen infusion devices, which dissolve molecular hydrogen into water under pressure. The usual production process is electrolysis; an electric current is used to ‘split’ pure water (H2O) into its constituent parts of Hydrogen (H2) and Oxygen (O2).
The oxygen is safely discarded and the (molecular) Hydrogen dissolved into the water.
Hydrogen water can also be generated by using magnesium-based tablets or hydrogen-generating sachets.
For therapeutic effects, Hydrogen water needs to have a concentration of at least 500 ppb of molecular hydrogen. ‘Saturated’ Hydrogen water means that the maximum amount of molecular hydrogen id dissolved in the water (around 1600 ppb). Some devices now produce ‘super saturated’ and ‘super super saturated’ Hydrogen Water, with concentrations of molecular Hydrogen above 3000 ppb. In these instances, the hydrogen remains partially dissolved in the water (visible as bubbles or cloudiness), and needs to be drunk relatively quickly to avoid the very-light-and-tiny hydrogen molecules from diffusing back into the atmosphere.
Why Hydrogen-Enriched, Filtered Water is Probably Most Healthful:
Hydrogen water combines the benefits of hydrogen molecules with the purification of water filtration. By infusing filtered water with molecular hydrogen using advanced technologies, hydrogen water provides a double-edged approach, promoting optimal hydration, with no harmful contaminants, while delivering the potential health benefits of hydrogen therapy. Research suggests that hydrogen water’s antioxidant properties may help reduce oxidative stress, support immune function, improve energy levels, and enhance overall well-being. Studies have also shown that Hydrogen Water can be anti-inflammatory and control gene expression for significant health benefits.
Whether you’re seeking a natural approach to wellness, combating chronic illness, or simply looking to optimise your healthy longevity, hydrogen-filtered water offers a compelling option.
Take the Next Step…
Download your free Intro Guide to Hydrogen Water by entering your email below. This valuable resource will provide you with additional (research-based) detail on Hydrogen Water, and options of the best products to try.
Empower yourself to take control of your health journey and unlock the transformative benefits of optimal hydration! 🤗

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